Lee Woodruff


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Blog Humor Life Marriage

The Secret to Gift Giving

Some men are born gift givers.  They zealously clip ads, create lists, or file away a well-dropped hint.  Others have different talents.  My husband falls into the latter category.  In all matters of gift purchasing, he must be led, like a bull with a nose ring, directly to the desired item.  As in, sent the link to the specific item in the appropriate  ...

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Blog Development Life

Face Reading

I was more than a little skeptical when a friend gave me the gift of a face reading session.  I’d seen those movies where the fortune-teller works a scam under the table. And google certainly takes the guesswork out of meeting strangers.  One look at my social media and you know the basics about my life, love and hobbies. Which is why I was pleasantly  ...

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Blog Friends Life Marriage Travel


“It’s time for an adventure,” he said.  And I, facing an empty nest and the instant revision of my job description as a mother, answered… “Hell yeah.” My adventuresome self had been hibernating during the rearing of four cubs.  There were years of policing and keeping them safe; reflexively spouting “be careful” or “watch out” and the mother  ...

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Blog Family Life

A Mother’s Wish for Down Under

This is the last morning my son will wake up in our home for a very long time.  He is moving to Australia, a continent with a completely different set of constellations.  We will no longer share the same sky. Since man first stared out at horizons, since we learned to build boats and muster armies, to conquer lands or scratch an adventuresome itch,  ...

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Blog Humor Life Marriage

The Secret to Gift Giving…

Some men are born gift givers. If you are looking for the perfect gift check out these top gifts of the year. They zealously clip ads, create lists, or can file away a well-dropped hint. Others, well, others have different talents.  My husband falls into the latter category.  In all matters of gift purchasing, he must be led, like a bull with a nose  ...

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