Lee Woodruff


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Blog Life

Fearless to Shameless

“Leash your dog!”  The command bellowed across the golf course where a willowy man in a puff jacket brought a giant black beast of a dog to heel.  Disoriented, my head snapped up as our two little dogs ran excitedly forward.  The man struck a baronial pose in the distance.  His canine’s head was almost chest level. “Do you hear me?”  The frigid January  ...

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Blog Family Friends Life

The Death of Civility

It was the end of an “embrace the suck” kind of day. I blew a gasket at our house painter, who had worked my last nerve after four weeks, breaking a window, destroying part of the lawn and splattering more paint on the glass and deck than to the exterior of the house (had to learn more from Danny Deck in order to get what was planned). I’d heard a  ...

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