Lee Woodruff


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Preparing To Send A Kid To College

As I prepare to send child #2 to college, I dusted off these tips I wrote when my first born went off.  They are still relevant today, but a friend’s experience with her child this past spring inspired me to add this important one – make sure you have the number of the 24 hour campus security  so that, God forbid, in the middle of the night  ...

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I’m happy to roll out my new blog site, “Shorelines.”  This is a place where I’ll share my take on the humorous and ironic observations of life, but also some of the more poignant intersections that connect us all as human beings.  And I hope you’ll share back. I chose the name Shorelines because my very favorite place in the world is beside a lake,  ...

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I love the patriotism of this time of year. Honoring our servicemembers of  long ago as well as our brave ones of today.   Please take a moment in honor of the 4th by clicking on “click here to enter the challenge and support us today” link below and watch the video to learn more about the amazing work the Bob Woodruff Foundation  ...

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Blink of an Eye

How did they do that?  How did they go from girls with a little fold of fat at their wrists to the lovely little ladies belting out the end of the year choral song on the risers just now? I had that moment every parent experiences, sitting in the hot elementary school auditorium and fanning myself with the program.  There they were.  My twins.  Not yet  ...

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