MEETING PROTOCOL DURING COVID-19 A naked woman is the last thing you expect to see when you dial in for a Zoom video conference. But this is ...
MEETING PROTOCOL DURING COVID-19 A naked woman is the last thing you expect to see when you dial in for a Zoom video conference. But this is ...
Birdsong resumes in March. Daffodil tips crack the surface, hoping they won’t need to retreat. Longer days and sunnier skies lure me out of winter’s cave ...
February is a short month. And in the spirit of brevity (and with many good books below) I’ll keep this one short. In fact, not to get all philosophical, ...
New year, new decade. By this point I’ve learned resolutions are futile. For about thirty days, the gym at my YMCA is chock full, friends order fizzy water ...
Some men are born gift givers. They zealously clip ads, create lists, or file away a well-dropped hint. Others have different talents. My husband falls ...