I met Annie back in Richmond Virginia, Bob’s 2nd local TV market (WTVR- CBS) and we were all wet behind the ears to the journalism business. She was the ...
I met Annie back in Richmond Virginia, Bob’s 2nd local TV market (WTVR- CBS) and we were all wet behind the ears to the journalism business. She was the ...
I have a theory that people are either cooks or gardeners first. OK… relax. I’m not saying you can’t DO both. I think everyone has a favorite and my ...
I knew exactly what it was the minute the couch swayed. An earthquake in upstate New York. I’d been through “the big one” in San Francisco in 1989. So ...
Steve Martin, Garry Shandling, Albert Brooks…Add my friend who -shall not be named, to this list. He missed his calling. See if you ...
You’ve dropped them off and now what to expect– and the unexpected too. The last and final installment of the college send-off blogs. ...