Lee Woodruff


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Blog Book Marks Life

September Book Marks

Back to work, school and the routine, which hopefully includes reading.  The lazy days of summer are gone, but there’s a virtual American Idol season’s-worth of talent in the books out this September. Many of you expressed the desire to click and buy right away, so you’ll now be able to do so when you click on this link.  Each month I’ll feature an  ...

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Blog Book Marks Life

Lee’s Book Marks

As an author and book lover, I’m often asked what I’m currently reading.  Or, more fun for me, “What should I read next?”  It’s a little like being a book shrink for your friends. When I started posting books on social media, I began to get emails and comments from near and far; friends, acquaintances and other bookish folks.   Some even weighed in to  ...

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