Lee Woodruff


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Blog Book Marks

October-November 2022 Book Marks

November is the month we honor those who have served our country. America is stronger and better because of the young men and women who volunteer to enter the military and deploy when their nation asks. Our active duty service members and veterans have allowed the rest of us to make that choice. Each November, the Bob Woodruff Foundation holds “Stand Up  ...

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Blog Book Marks

September 2022 Book Marks

I hope you’ve experienced the sensation of being engulfed by a book. It calls to you from the nightstand, or from inside your bag, practically pulsing. The story rivets your eyes to every word. As a writer, I love the unexpected moments when I’m stopped in my tracks by a sentence, marveling at the composition, the images evoked in my mind through the  ...

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Blog Book Marks

August 2022 Book Marks

As I write, the rising sun is sifting through the window and onto the floorboards. The windows are wide open and the humidity has broken. In the early morning hours of a summer morning, as I pour my first cup of coffee, this is as close to joy as a person who has lived through decades of sunrises can feel. Maybe it’s more like joy mingled with complete  ...

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Blog Book Marks

July 2022 Book Marks

Summer is indigo blue skies, hot pavement, a good book on the dock with a cool breeze and slipping into an air-conditioned movie theater at night to catch a blockbuster. I recently went to see the new “Top Gun: Maverick” movie, which was just as deliciously cheesy and engrossing as the first one back in the 80’s.  Who remembers crying along  ...

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Blog Book Marks

June 2022 Book Marks

Summer is coming…it’s here in many parts of the country. And that means books for the beach, mountains, train, car, plane, woods, subway, chaise lounge. Basically, we need books for every occasion. So let’s get right down to these great summer reads. I’m already creating my summer pile, but here are some suggestions to get you started! Fiction: Nora  ...

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