Lee Woodruff


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Blog Family Friends

Marital Checklist

The run up to Valentines Day offers eternal love for couples.  Flowers, chocolates, hearts– even birds chirping for those lucky few.  But the reality of any relationship is hard work.  And not everyone is going to hit every box on the marital check list.  Sometimes the reality isn’t quite as sexy, but being there for the  ...

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Blog Family Friends Humor Laughter

Call Me…Maybe?

I hate the phone.  Let me just put that right out there.  Oh sure, I call my sisters and girlfriends to chat, usually when I’m driving or cruising the grocery store aisles.   I like a good old catch-up convo as much as the next gal.  But when expediency is called for, the phone can suck time like a black hole.  Set aside  ...

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Blog Family

Getting Back on the Horse

I've received so many wonderful emails and notes from folks who have read on the news that my husband Bob is back in Iraq and Afghanistan three years after his injury in Balad from a roadside bomb.  So many people have been so supportive of his desire to go back in honor of those who have served, are serving and who have returned from the wars injured  ...

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Blog Family

So Long My Graduate

I woke up yesterday grumpy.  That's right. Grumpy.  It was graduation day for my son.   Almost 18 years of mothering and in some ways, according to custom, it was all supposed to culminate in this.  The ceremony, the cap and gown, the beaming face.  Lets set aside the fact that it has been the rainiest month I can remember since my twins were born 9  ...

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Blog Family Stories

Rainy Days and Teens

So here I am.  I'm at our lake house and its soggy.  I've said yes to my  kid that as part of his graduation present he can bring friends up here. Girls and boys.  Somehow we set a limit and somehow, in the effort not to hurt certain people's feelings, he exceeded that limit without checking with me. As the rain pours down and the TV blares with the  ...

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