Lee Woodruff


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Blog Family The Bob Woodruff Foundation Veterans

Will you take a #Stand4Heroes with us …And which shoes will you be wearing?

  When I recently posted the picture of Bob’s boots for his 10th Alive Day, we were stunned by the response. So many of you sent your own heartfelt stories; tales of survival and triumph, moments where you were tested or felt joy. And you sent pictures. Beautiful pictures of your boots and flat feet running shoes. You wanted us to know that you too  ...

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Blog Family Life

Perpetually Skeptic

I look in the hand-held mirror and am dismayed to observe that one brow is now permanently raised, like a female version of Star Trek’s Spock. OK, maybe not quite that pronounced, but definitely higher. Noticeably higher. A line of tiny stitches sits just above the eyebrow and my eyelid is drawn up too, like a roman shade. I look half wide-eyed, my face  ...

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Blog Family


For those of you who never met my Dad, or who knew him only in the last few years when Alzheimer’s had a vice grip on his life, I wanted to share a little something of David F. McConaughy. He was married to my mother, Terry, for 58 years and was a father for just shy of 55. He was the last generation of an industrial era, working his way up one company  ...

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